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HP Labs Technical Reports

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Verifiable Partial Escrow of Integer Factors

Mao, Wenbo


Keyword(s): partial key escrow; RSA; zero-knowledge protocols

Abstract: Please Note. This abstract contains mathematical formulae which cannot be represented here. We construct an efficient interactive protocol for realizing verifiable partial escrow of the factors of an integer n with time-delayed and threshold key recovery features. The computational cost of the new scheme amounts to 10k log2P multiplications of numbers of size of P, where P is a protocol parameter which permits n of size up to (log2 P) -4 to be dealt with and k is a security parameter which controls the error probability for correct key escrow under 1/2 k. The new scheme realizes a practical method for fine tuning the time complexity for factoring an integer, where the complexity tuning has no respect to the size of integer.

19 Pages

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