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End-to-End E-Service Transaction and Conversation-- Management through Distributed Correlation

Sahai, Akhil; Ouyang, Jinsong; Machiraju, Vijay; Wurster, Klaus


Keyword(s): end to end; transaction; conversation; E-Service; management; Web; Internet

Abstract: With the widespread deployment of Internet, E-services are becoming prevalent. E-services are being created in the form of portals and e-business sites. They interact amongst themselves to provide a range of functionality to clients. E-services thus undertake static composition. There is an increasing trend towards dynamic composition, where e-services choose dynamically their trading partners. As these e- services are being deployed by different enterprises, they are distributed and federated in nature. They also have varied implementations. In addition, these e-services undertake conversations that involve multiple interactions between e-services, which is asynchronous and often asymmetric in nature. End-to- End management of e-service conversations and thereby their transactions is therefore a challenging task. A distributed correlation approach is presented that enables end to end correlation of conversations and transactions spanning multiple e-services in a distributed and decentralized manner. The distributed correlation mechanism obviates the need of a central correlation engine as the correlation data is sent along with the documents exchanged amongst the e- services.

10 Pages

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