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HP Labs Technical Reports

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Invariant Signatures from Polygonal Approximations of Smooth Curves

Shaked, Doron


Keyword(s): object recognition; invariant signatures; semi-local invariants; polygonal shapes; Dynamic Programming

Abstract: In this paper we propose to use invariant signatures of polygonal approximations of smooth curves for projective object recognition. Similar signatures have been proposed previously as simple and robust signatures. However, they were known to be sensitive to the curve sampling scheme and density, and worked well mainly for intrinsically polygonal shapes. This paper proposes a re-sampling method for arbitrary polygonal approximations of smooth curves. The proposed re-sampling provides for weak-affine invariant parameterization and signature. Curve templates characterized by a scale space of these weak-affine invariant signatures together with a metric based on a modified Dynamic Programming algorithm can accommodate projective invariant indexing.

12 Pages

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