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Managing Next Generation E-Services

Sahai, Akhil; Machiraju, Vijay; Wurster, Klaus


Keyword(s): Internet; web; management; e-services; XML

Abstract: The ever-widening reach of Internet has led to the proliferation of e-services. These e-services are sprouting in the form of portals and e-business web sites. Some of these e-services interact amongst themselves and undergo service composition to offer other complex services. Next generation e-services would undertake dynamic service composition because of the multiple benefits this model of operation provides. In addition, these e-services have varied implementations which makes managing these e-services a challenging task. These web based e-services also operate on line and would need continuous monitoring and control. This paper proposes and describes an e- service management solution itself as a web based e- service that enables remote management of e-services in a uniform platform independent manner.

8 Pages

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