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Tycoon: Market-based resource allocation


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Tycoon Tycoon allocates computer resources in distributed clusters like PlanetLab, the Grid, or a Utility Data Center (UDC) using a market-based mechanism where user pay for their usage using a currency. Tycoon allocates the cluster more efficiently than time-sharing schemes, and allows users to change their allocation in seconds.


Recent Developments

25 Jan 2006
The main Tycoon website is now http://tycoon.hpl.hp.com. This site only contains research materials.
9 May 2005
0.3.0p38 released. User documentation updated. Preliminary PlanetLab support. Bug fixes.
20 April 2005
0.3.0p29 released. Key feature: Xen support. Documentation updated.
11 November 2004
Revised website.
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