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Services for Digital Publishing

Research in rich media and digital content, enterprise publishing, architecture and technologies


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Projects in this area include:


ARKive is the world's digital library of images and recordings of the planet's endangered species. HP Labs collaborated with the nonprofit Wildscreen Trust to design and develop ARKive.

Asset Utility

Our work is focused on building an open framework for digital assets which enables the flexible integration of best-of-breed tools and services, together with a set of services to manage content across a variety of underlying storage systems.

Multi-Channel Document Publishing

This project is aimed at developing technologies that enable a document to be designed and laid out once and then made automatically ready to publish through multiple channels.

Solutions and Services

» Technology for Services
» Architecture and Software Components
» Service Elements for the Adaptive Enterprise
» Service Elements for Digital Publishing
» Trust, Security and Privacy
» Innovation for Emerging Economies
» New Competitive Spaces

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