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Information on how to obtain the software and I/O traces that are available from the HP Laboratories Storage Systems Program.


Please be aware that all the SIMPL software is completely unsupported. It was designed for our own use, in our own environment. Although we think we write reasonable code, it's quite large, and no great effort has been taken to make it easy to pick up and adapt to other environments. If you are not willing to put in a significant amount of time and effort, and cannot survive with absolutely minimal interaction with us, then this is probably not for you!

Publicly-available software and traces

These are software packages and trace files that you can download right now, just by following the instructions in our public software page . The available packages are listed on that site.

Please note: this software is "publicly available", not "public domain".

Here is a sample of the License Agreement required for a publicly-available package.

Licensed software tools and traces

To get access to these software packages, you will need to fill our paper-based license agreement and the corresponding appendices, and have them signed by an authorized official in your organization.

It is HP's policy to limit access to the SIMPL software to people willing to agree to the following (the exact wording of the license is what rules, not this summary):

  • You will give us access to any and all modifications and bug fixes you make to our software, and we have a royalty-free license to use your modifications in any way we see fit. In particular, we may choose to incorporate your changes or give them to others. (This is what allows us to distribute bug fixes from one user to another.)
  • You won't distribute our software to anybody else: have them come to us for a copy.
  • You will give us copies of any research papers that get submitted outside your organization (e.g., technical reports, papers submitted for publication) within 30 days of their being "published" (internally or externally). There are some restrictions on how much you may say about how our software works, and we require some form of acknowledgment of its use.
  • HP isn't liable for anything.

Warning: the license agreement is a fairly heavyweight legal document. For example, there are some moderately complicated intellectual property issues that you should not gloss over lightly. It will take both you and us a fair amount of effort to process it. Please don't embark on this unless you are absolutely convinced that the value you'll be able to offer us will be worth the hassle we have to go through to get this stuff to you!

To proceed, please provide all the information requested at our private software website, and follow the steps indicated there to access the software.

These are the agreements you will need to sign to download the private packages:

and finally ...

Please note that not all packages may be available at all times - we sometimes go through periods where our internal versions of a package are in flux, and not well suited for external release.

We reserve the right to decide that a particular package isn't appropriate for a particular requester for business reasons. (This is most likely to be true of commercial applicants.) Sorry about that.

We also reserve the right to decide that we are simply too busy to fulfill requests. This is most likely to occur if people don't follow the recipe above exactly, or if they ask us for support or other hand-holding. It may also be that we are just too busy.

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