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Interactive Relighting Demos


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The demos below use Polynomial Texture Maps (PTMs) which are captured under varying lighting conditions. These demos use a Java Applet that was written by Clifford Lyon to display  PTMs interactively on the web. A stand-alone program with further functionality can also be downloaded from the HPL PTM download page.  

Click on the above images to bring up the Java PTM viewer for controlling lighting. This may take a few seconds, so be patient. If it fails to run, you need to download the Java Runtime Environment.

Once running, dragging the mouse with the left button pressed will change lighting direction. Right clicking will bring up further options, such as the two reflectance transformation effects, specular enhancement and diffuse gain. Further Java-based Image Relighting examples can be found at HP's Anitkythera Relighting Page and Cultural Heritage Imaging's PTM demo page. To create your own PTMs, refer to the reflectance imaging page.

» Tom Malzbender
» Dan Gelb

 * Tombstone image courtesy of Gene Shull, Greaveyard Preservation Society

* Cuneiform tablet image courtesy of Dr. Bruce Zuckerman, USC.


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