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From Informing to Remembering:
Ubiquitous Systems in Interactive Museums

IEEE Pervasive Computing, April-June 2002
Copyright © 2002 IEEE.

by Margaret Fleck, Marcos Frid, Tim Kindberg, Eamonn O' Brien-Strain, Rakhi Rajani and Mirjana Spasojevic, all of HP Labs

Museums are excellent locations for testing ubiquitous systems; the Exploratorium, an interactive science museum in San Francisco, offers a unique and challenging environment for such a system. An important design consideration is how users switch between virtual and physical interactions.
Read the full paper here. Requires Adobe Acrobat.

This project was recently awarded a National Science Foundation grant.

more about the authors:

Margaret FleckMargaret Fleck is a researcher at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in Palo Alto, California. Her research interests include computer vision, computational linguistics, and pervasive computing. She received a BA in linguistics from Yale University and an MS and PhD in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Marcos FridMarcos Frid is a senior R&D engineer inHP's Embedded and Personal Systems group. His
research interests include computer architecture, hardware design, wireless systems, location-aware technologies, and ubiquitous computing. He received a BS in electrical engineering and computer science from Rice University, and an MS in electrical and computer
engineering from Stanford University. He is a founding member of MEXPRO, the Association of Mexican Professionals of Silicon Valley.

Tim KindbergTim Kindberg is a senior researcher at HP Labs. His research interests include ubiquitous computing systems, distributed systems, and human factors. He has a BA in mathematics from the University of Cambridge and a PhD in computer science from the University of Westminster.

Eamonn O'Brien-StrainEamonn O'Brien-Strain works at HP Labs, investigating distributed infrastructures to support applications and services that are usable and useful to nomadic individuals in a pervasive computing environment. He has a BE from University College Dublin, Ireland.

Rakhi RajaniRakhi Rajani, a visiting scholar at HP Labs, is studying for a PhD in the area of collaborative work in medical practice at Brunel University in the UK. Her research interests include cognitive psychology, ethnography, and the role of space, place, and the environment in design. She is a former HP Labs research intern.

Mirjana SpasojevicMirjana Spasojevic is a project manager of the Cooltown Program at HP Labs, focusing on pilot deployments of nomadic computing systems. Her research interests include wide-area file systems, storage systems, and distributed systems. She has a BS in mathematics from the University of Belgrade and an MS and PhD in computer science from Pennsylvania State University.

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IEEE Pervasive Computing

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