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Multimedia Communications and Networking Lab


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Create compelling networked media experiences that fundamentally change how people communicate, collaborate, socialize and entertain. Develop multimedia technologies to deliver interactive, mobile, and immersive audio-visual experiences. Create the next generation of network architectures and technologies which provide predictable, high-quality and power-efficient networking to support current and future applications.



We aim to fundamentally understand and design:

  • user experiences inspired by networked media technologies in the creation of next generation media-rich social networks
  • intelligent infrastructure for the home, enterprise, data center, and Internet
  • future network architectures which provide end-to-end Quality of Experience (QoE) across independently administered domains
  • natural audio/video/gesture communication systems for collaboration and entertainment
  • interactive multimedia delivery systems that dynamically adapt media and transport according to user behavior, context, and sensed network conditions




    • media compression, multimedia signal processing, streaming
    • network-based platforms (e.g., content delivery, peer-to-peer)
    • highly-scalable network/system sensing, inference, and control
    • design and operation of next-generation wired and wireless networks
    • in-network processing to adapt and personalize media streams while in flight
    • user studies and novel user experiences
    • computer vision, graphics, and audio processing for natural communication,
    • collaboration and entertainment
    • media security and biometrics
    • media interoperability. 
    Director: John Apostolopoulos

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