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  Sinfonia: data sharing service for distributed applications

Sinfonia is a service that helps software developers design new distributed applications. Sinfonia provides a means for nodes to share data among themselves in an efficient, fault-tolerant, and scalable manner. We have used Sinfonia to build a cluster file system, a group communication service, a distributed lock manager, and a distributed B-tree, and we did each one in a matter of months.

Selected publications:

  • Building distributed applications using Sinfonia, Marcos K. Aguilera, Christos Karamanolis, Arif Merchant, Mehul Shah, Alistair Veitch, HP Labs Technical Report HPL-2006-147.


    We present Sinfonia, a data sharing service that simplifies the design and implementation of distributed applications that need to be reliable and scalable. At the core of Sinfonia is an efficient minitransaction primitive that allows applications to manipulate shared state consistently, while hiding concerns about fault-tolerance and concurrent execution. We show how to use Sinfonia to build two different, complex applications: a cluster file system and a group communication service. Our applications scale well and achieve performance comparable to other implementations built without Sinfonia.

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