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Semi-automatic highlight detection for home video annotation


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This work is to enable a semi-automatic highlight detection
system for home video annotation. To automatically
identify highlights from home videos is a challenging
research issue in general. Currently home users mostly use
video editing tools to manually find the highlight, which is
very time consuming. To alleviate this hurdle and promote
the reusability of home video material, we propose a semiautomatic user environment that aims at reducing the editing time required for users to find highlights. With a well
designed user interface and using the localized visual similarity
trail to estimate candidate highlight boundaries, we enable home users quickly and mostly accurately identify
the highlight.

For more technical details, please refer to the following paper:

Peng Wu, "A Semi-automatic Approach to Detect Highlights for Home Video Annotation," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Montreal, Canada, May 2004. (pdf download).


For more information about the technology, please contact Peng Wu (peng.wu@ hp.com) at Imaging Technology Dept., HP Labs.

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