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TITLE: On Expanded Cyclic and Reed-Solomon Codes

SPEAKER: Yingquan Wu (Link_A_Media)

DATE: 2:00 - 3:00 PM, Monday, April 19, 2010


This talk has a threefold purpose. The first is to present a new description of expanded cyclic codes defined in $\GF(q^m)$. The proposed explicit description of the expanded generator matrix and the expanded parity check matrix maintains the symbol-wise algebraic structure and thus retains many important original characteristics.

The second purpose is to characterize expanded cyclic codes utilizing the proposed expanded generator matrix (a similar analysis may be carried out on the proposed expanded parity check matrix). We focus on exploring the properties of component words of a codeword as well as their reciprocal relations. We reveal that the existence of a zero component word is dictated by conjugate roots of the parity check polynomial, but not to its non-conjugate roots. We show that each generator (parity check) matrix can be divided into block-bidiagonal submatrixes associated with conjugate roots of the parity check (generator) polynomial.

Finally we shed light on new insights of binary expanded Reed-Solomon codes, which are of particular mathematical and practical interest. We first show an explicit way of constructing superior subspace subcodes utilizing the composite basis which exhibit a higher dimension than the counterpart subfield subcodes. We next demonstrate that the effective dimension of expanded parity check (generator) matrix, which dictates the complexity of maximum-likelihood soft-decision decoding, can be noticeably reduced by employing block-bidiagonal structures of submatrixes associated with conjugate roots of the generator (parity check) polynomial. We finally conclude that the fixed-rate binary expanded Reed-Solomon codes are asymptotically "bad", regardless of basis realization, in the sense that the ratio of minimum distance over code length diminishes with code length going to infinity. We assert "badness" for three scenarios, namely, $(i)$ (conventional) fixed starting spectral null for all rates; $(ii)$ centered spectral null for rates above $\frac{1}{3}$; and $(iii)$ dynamic spectral null for rates above $\frac{11}{21}$. Our conclusion overturns the prevailing conjecture that binary expanded Reed-Solomon codes, particularly high-rate ones, are asymptotically "good" codes, while deviating from the ensemble of generalized Reed-Solomon codes which asymptotically achieve the Gilbert-Varshamov bound.

Dr. Yingquan Wu was born in the People's Republic of China. He received both the B.S. and M.S. degrees in mathematics from Harbin Institute of Technology, P.R. China in July 1996 and July 1997, respectively. In August 2000, he received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering at the State University of New York at Buffalo. In October 2004, he received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Dr. Wu at present works at Link_A_Media Devices Corp., Santa Clara, CA, where he has been developing algorithms and architectures for error control coding and digital signal processing. Dr. Wu's research interests lie in the areas of algebraic coding theory, soft-decision decoding techniques, and the efficient VLSI design of general communication algorithms.


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