Predictive Game Theory
SPEAKER: David Wolpert
NASA Ames Research Center
DATE: 2:30 - 3:30 P.M., Tuesday July 19, 2005
LOCATION: Sigma, 1L (PA)
Conventional noncooperative game theory hypothesizes that the joint strategy of
a set of reasoning players in a game will necessarily satisfy an "equilibrium
concept". All other joint strategies are considered impossible. Under this
hypothesis the only issue is what equilibrium concept is "correct".
This hypothesis violates the first-principles arguments underlying probability
theory. Indeed, probability theory renders moot the controversy over what
equilibrium concept is correct - every joint strategy can arise with non-zero
probability. Rather than a first-principles derivation of an equilibrium
concept, game theory requires a first-principles derivation of a distribution
over joint strategies. Game theory based on such distributions is called
Predictive Game Theory (PGT).
This talk shows how information theory provides such a distribution over joint
strategies. The connection of this distribution to the quantal response
equilibrium is elaborated. It is also shown that in many games, having a
probability distribution with support restricted to Nash equilibria - as
stipulated by conventional game theory - is impossible.
PGT is also used to:
i) Derive an information-theoretic quantification of the degree of rationality;
ii) Derive bounded rationality as a cost of computation;
iii) Elaborate the close formal relationship between game theory and statistical
iv) Use this relationship to extend game theory to allow stochastically varying
numbers of players.