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TITLE: Adaptive Caching by Refetching

Manfred K. Warmuth
UC Santa Cruz

DATE: 2:00 - 3:00 P.M., Tuesday August 12, 2003

LOCATION: Half Dome, 3L (PA)

HOST: Vinay Deolalikar


We are constructing caching strategies that consistently have 15-22% lower missrates than the best of twelve baseline policies over a large variety of request streams. This represents an improvement of 45-70% over Least Recently Used, the most common implemented baseline policy. 

We achieve this not by designing a specific new policy but by using on-line Machine Learning algorithms to develop a master policy, which dynamically combines the recommendations of the pool of baseline policies by taking their observed recent hitrates into account. Our methodology is a paradigm shift for the design of caching strategies. Our approach is attractive because it is simple, adaptive and scalable and gives impressive results. 

We give a thorough experimental evaluation of our techniques and discuss what makes caching a challenging on-line learning problem.  

Joint work with Robert B. Gramacy and Scott Brandt


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