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TITLE: Joint Denoising and Decoding of Known/Unknown Sources

SPEAKER: Krishnamurthy Viswanathan, HPL and UCSD

DATE: 3:00 - 4:00 P.M., Friday September 5, 2003

LOCATION: Half Dome, 3L (PA)

HOST: Vinay Deolalikar

ABSTRACT:  We consider the setting where an uncompressed source stream is encoded via a channel code for transmission over a noisy channel. In this setting we seek to improve the decoding performance by taking advantage of the inherent source redundancy, both when the source is known and in a universal setting. In these investigations we employ Repeat-Accumulate (RA) codes, which offer very good performance at low-complexity.

Three types of joint denoising and decoding were considered: hard denoising followed by hard-input decoding, soft denoising followed by soft-input decoding and an iterative denoising-decoding procedure. For the case of a known Markov source, the structure of the joint denoiser-decoder is expressed in terms of a factor graph over which a belief propagation algorithm is performed. This amounts to combining the forward-backward algorithm with conventional belief propagation for channel codes. Significant improvements were observed over simple decoding. These results were nearly replicated when the source is assumed to be unknown and the forward-backward denoising algorithm is replaced with a Discrete Universal Denoiser(DUDE). The performance of the universal joint denoising-decoding algorithms on images was also studied.

The talk will include an overview of concepts related to graph-based codes such as factor graphs and belief propagation decoding.


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