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TITLE: High-Dimensional Statistical Problems: Practice and Theory

SPEAKER: Narayana P. Santhanam (UC Berkeley)

DATE: 2:00 - 3:00 PM, Tuesday, November 18, 2008

LOCATION: Eureka, 1U

For advances in biology, computation and storage, we have invited the "curse of dimensionality" upon many problems that concern the modern engineer. The colorful phrase in quotes coined by Bellman refers to the usual inability of classical methods to handle problem instances wherein the number of parameters associated with each data sample is comparable to the number of data samples we have to work on.

In this talk, we first focus on the problem of discrete distribution estimation in the undersampled regime, and develop a theory to tackle this problem using ideas from information theory, number theory, combinatorics, analysis, as well as tools in statistical learning. When classifying text, these approaches yield very fast algorithms that stand up to (and in many cases, beat) support vector machines in both performance and speed.

We then consider modeling more complex Markov random fields, this time, drawing connections with statistical physics as well. We conclude with a brief preview of some of the directions in which we are developing this work.

The big picture is to see this work as source coding driven by data analysis, complementing the traditional communication/storage driven models.

Narayana Prasad Santhanam will be an assistant professor at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, from January 2009. In 2007 and 2008, he was a postdoctoral researcher hosted by Prof. Martin Wainwright at UC Berkeley. He obtained his B.Tech degree from IIT Madras, and MS and PhD degrees with Prof. Alon Orlitsky from UC San Diego.

He is interested in theories and applications related to high-dimensional problems, statistical learning, information theory, and combinatorial/probabilistic problems in general. He is the recipient of the 2006 Information Theory Society Best Paper Award and the 2003 Capocelli Prize.


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