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TITLE: Fading Wireless Networks: The Interference Case

SPEAKER: Lalitha Sankar (Princeton University)

DATE: 11:00 AM - 12:00 noon, Wednesday, November 19, 2008


The two unique characteristics of wireless channels are fading and interference. A fundamental challenge in wireless network design is developing optimal interference-resistant communication schemes that maximize the network throughput. Much attention has been given to determining the sum-capacity of a network of two interfering wireless links, referred to as a two-user interference channel (IFC), in the non-fading setting. In this talk, we focus on a two-user IFC with ergodic fading interfering links and develop its sum-capacity for specific classes that are uniquely identified by the transmit powers and fading statistics. Under the assumption of perfect channel state information at all nodes, we present the conditions under which decoding the interference at both receivers is optimal for the classes of ergodic strong but not very strong and ergodic very strong IFCs. In contrast, for the case where the interference is weak, we demonstrate the optimality of ignoring interference for a class of uniformly weak one-sided IFCs in which only one of links experiences interference. For all three classes, our results shed light on the optimality of encoding and decoding independently over the parallel fading channels.

Lalitha Sankar received the Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering from Rutgers University in October 2007. She is presently a Science and Technology postdoctoral teaching fellow at Princeton University. Prior to her doctoral work, Lalitha was a Senior Member of Technical Staff at AT&T Shannon Labs, Florham Park, NJ. For her doctoral work, Lalitha received the 2007-2008 Electrical Engineering Academic Achievement Award from Rutgers University.


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