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Information Theory Seminar

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TITLE: Linear Programming and Message Passing

SPEAKER: Sujay Sanghavi (MIT)

DATE: 11:00 AM - 12:00 noon, September 7, 2007


Message-passing inference algorithms, like Belief Propagation, have proven to be excellent heuristics for solving large-scale problems in fields as diverse as image processing, machine learning and error-control coding. These are local, iterative algorithms that operate on graphs generated from the problem instances. Inspite of their empirical success, there are few analytical guarantees or performance characterizations when they are operated on general graphs with cycles. In general these algorithms may not converge, or may converge to an incorrect answer. In this talk, we present new analytical results on the convergence and correctness of one such algorithm - Max Product - for a few problems, such as max-weight matching and max-weight stable set in general (non-bipartite) graphs, and decoding for erasure channels. The analysis relies on the theory of linear programming, and the method of LP Relaxation, which provides a powerful framework for the analysis of message-passing algorithms. Applications to decoding, scheduling etc. will be discussed. (The talk is self-contained, no specific background is assumed.)

Sujay Sanghavi received his PhD in 2006 from the ECE department at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where he worked on communication network algorithms. He also has an MS in Math and an MS in ECE from UIUC, and a B. Tech in EE from IIT Bombay. Sujay is currently a post-doc at LIDS, MIT where he works on the analysis and design of message-passing algorithms. His research interests are in probability and optimization as applied to problems in communications and signal processing.


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