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TITLE: Private Analysis of Data Sets

SPEAKER: Benny Pinkas [HP Labs]

DATE: 2:00 - 3:00 P.M., Tuesday March 30, 2004


HOST: Vinay Deolalikar


Consider a scenario of two or more parties holding large private data sets, whose goal is to perform some simple analysis of the data while preserving privacy. In other words, given data sets X and Y, the parties' goal is to compute F(X,Y), for some function F, while hiding any other information about X and Y. It is well known that generic constructions can perform this secure computation with polynomial overhead for any polynomial-time F(), but our goal is to design privacy preserving constructions with linear or sublinear overhead, that can be applied to very large data sets. We describe such constructions, secure against both semi-honest and malicious adversaries, for two types of functions: (1) Computing the intersection of two sets, and (2) computing the k-ranked item (e.g. the median) of the union of the sets.


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