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TITLE: A Quadratic-time, Sequential, Adaptive Algorithm for Lossy Compression

SPEAKER: Dharmendra Modha (IBM Almaden Research Labs)

DATE: 2:00-3:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 27, 2003

LOCATION: Half Dome, 3L (PA)

HOST: Vinay Deolalikar


Lossy compression is a fundamental problem in information theory dating back to Shannon (1959). Inspite of intense research, no polynomial-time, sequential, adaptive algorithm is currently known for universal lossy compression. 

I propose a new algorithm, termed, Codelet Parsing, for lossy compression that is quadratic-time, sequential, and adaptive. It is not currently known if Codelet Parsing is universal. 

The algorithm sequentially parses a given source sequence into phrases, say, sourcelets, and maps each sourcelet to a distorted phrase, say, a codelet, such that the per-letter distortion between the two phrases does not exceed the desired distortion. The algorithm adaptively maintains a codebook (a set of codewords), and does not require any a priori knowledge of the source statistics. The algorithm uses approximate string matching and, as key new idea, at each epoch, carefully selects one of the many approximately matching codewords to balance between the code rate in the current epoch versus the code rate from resulting codebooks in future epochs. The algorithm outputs a distorted sequence that can be naturally losslessly compressed using the Lempel-Ziv (LZ78) algorithm. 

This talk will be self-contained and will be accessible to a general EE/CS audience. 

Home page: http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cs/people/dmodha


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