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TITLE: A Universal Scheme for Learning

SPEAKER: Ciamac Moallemi (Stanford University)

DATE: 3:00 - 4:00 P.M., Thursday August 18, 2005

LOCATION: Tahoe, 3U (PA)

Consider an agent interacting with an unmodeled environment. At each time, the agent makes an observation, takes an action, and incurs a cost. Its actions can influence future observations and costs. The goal is to choose actions so as to minimize the long-run average cost.  We propose an algorithm based on ideas from the Lempel-Ziv scheme for universal data compression combined with dynamic programming. We establish that, if there exists an integer $K$ such that the future is conditionally independent of the past given a window of $K$ consecutive actions and observations, average cost under this algorithm converges to the optimum.

Joint work with Vivek Farias, Ben Van Roy, and Tsachy Weissman.


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