Van der Waals Curve and Maxwell Construction for Probabilistic Coding
SPEAKER: Cyril Measson (Bell Labs and Stanford University)
DATE: 2:00 - 3:00 PM, Wednesday, February 14, 2007
LOCATION: Sigma Conference Room, 1L
Message-passing algorithms, in particular Belief Propagation (BP), are of
fundamental and practical importance for information sciences as well as for
statistical physics. Recent progress in their understanding has been obtained
from the exchange of ideas between different fields. In this talk, we
investigate BP in the framework of information theory and we deal with coding
systems based on sparse graphs. The key issue we present is the relationship
between BP and Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) decoding. We show that between the
two there is a fundamental connection, which is reminiscent of the Maxwell
construction in thermodynamics.
The main objects we consider are EXIT (extrinsic information transfer)-like
functions, i.e., linear operators that act on a probability density function
and perform a one-dimensional projection of this density. EXIT functions were
originally introduced as handy tools for the design of iterative coding
systems. It gradually became clear that EXIT functions possess several
fundamental properties. Many of these properties, however, apply only to the
erasure case. This motivates us to introduce GEXIT (generalized EXIT)
functions that coincide with EXIT functions over the binary erasure channel
(BEC). In many aspects, GEXIT functions over general memoryless symmetric
channels play the same role as EXIT functions do over the BEC. In particular,
GEXIT functions are characterized by the general area theorem.
The perhaps most appealing consequence of this theorem is that we can use
GEXIT functions to show that in the limit of large sparse graphs a fundamental
connection appears between BP and MAP decoding. In this asymptotic setting,
the BP and MAP performance curves are characterized by a common object that is
similar to the Van der Waals equation of state and that is called EBP GEXIT
curve. It is shown that the MAP performance curve and the MAP threshold can be
determined from the EBP GEXIT curve via a Maxwell-type construction. A
decoding algorithm, which we call Maxwell decoder, provides an operational
interpretation of this relationship for the BEC. Both the algorithm and the
analysis of the decoder are the translation of the Maxwell construction from
thermodynamics to the context of probabilistic decoding. We show the first
steps to extend this construction to general memoryless output-symmetric
channels. More exactly, a general upper bound on the MAP threshold for sparse
graph codes is given. It is conjectured that the fundamental connection
between BP and MAP carries over to the general case.
Cyril Measson wrote his M.Sc. thesis at the Munich University of Technology
(TUM) in 1998. From 1998 to 2000 he was with the Institute for Communications
Engineering at TUM and Bell-Labs, Lucent, Murray Hill. From 2000 to 2001 he
was attending the doctoral school in Communication Systems at the Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne. He received his Ph.D. in
Electrical Engineering from EPFL in 2006. He is recipient of an SNF (Swiss
National Fund) research fellowship and is currently a visiting post-doctoral
researcher at Stanford (on leave from Alcatel-Lucent, Murray Hill).