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TITLE: Polar Codes: A New Paradigm for Coding

SPEAKER: Satish Babu Korada (Stanford University)

DATE: 2:00 - 3:00 PM, Wednesday, November 4, 2009


The search for coding schemes which achieve the capacity of a given point to point communication link has been going on for the last six decades. Major breakthroughs were achieved in the past decade, and a significant contribution is the polar codes that was recently introduced by Arikan. These codes achieve the capacity for a large class of channels using low complexity encoding and decoding algorithms. The complexity of these algorithms scales as O(N log N) where "N" is the blocklength of the code. These are the first known practical schemes that achieve the capacity for a large class of channels. These codes have interesting relationships to some existing coding schemes, both algebraic and iterative.

In this talk, we will discuss the construction of polar codes and compare them with existing schemes. We further show that polar codes are also optimal for lossy source coding. We show that they achieve the optimal rate-distortion trade-off with a low-complexity (O(N log N)) successive cancellation algorithm. Applications to important multi-terminal problems will also be discussed. We conclude with a generalization that results in codes with better performance. If time permits, we will discuss some open problems.

Satish Babu Korada received the Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, in 2004 and Ph.D. from EPFL, Switzerland, in 2009. He is currently a postdoc at Stanford University. He received the Best Student Paper awards at ISIT 2008 and ISIT 2009 for his works on iterative codes and polar codes, respectively.


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