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TITLE: Low-Delay Error Correction Codes for Streaming Media over Wireless Links

SPEAKER: Ashish Khisti (Deutsche Telekom Labs, Los Altos)

DATE: 2:00 - 3:00 PM, Wednesday, July 29, 2009

LOCATION: Pavilion, 4U

Content is king! The recent surge of smart-phones, capable of many multimedia capabilities, requires new architectures to efficiently stream media content to mobile handsets. In this talk we examine the gains from error-correction codes at the application layer for streaming media over wireless links. We first quantify the gains of a class of low-delay error correction codes proposed by E. Martinian and M. Trott over traditional block codes in several video transmission architectures. We also develop a robust-extension of these low-delay codes by studying an information theoretic compound channel model. In this problem, the sender communicates a common stream to multiple receivers, each with a different channel quality and requiring a different delay constraint. The codes designed for this channel maximize the transmission rate of the media stream while meeting the delay constraint for each receiver. Finally a syndrome coding dual of the low-delay codes is proposed and possible applications to peer-to-peer systems are discussed. If time permits we also discuss the challenges and some solutions involved in developing a mobile support for streaming peer-to-peer systems.

Ashish Khisti received his PhD and S.M degree from the EECS department at MIT in 2008 and 2004 respectively and the BASc degree in Engineering Sciences (EE Option) from the University of Toronto in 2002. He is currently a research scientist at Deutsche Telekom Labs, Los Altos, California. He will be an assistant professor at the University of Toronto starting September 2009. His research interests are in the area of information theory and multimedia systems.


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