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TITLE: The Canonical Correlations of Natural Color Images and their use for inverse problems (Parts I and II)

SPEAKER: Yacov Hel-Or, HP Labs

Part I: 2:00-3:00 P.M., Thursday June 12, 2003
Part II: 11:00-12:00 P.M., Friday June 27, 2003

Part I in Sigma, 1L (PA)
Part II in Pi, 1L (PA)

HOST: Vinay Deolalikar


This is an informal presentation with the aim of receiving feedbacks and criticism about an ongoing project which deals with finding a useful reprentation for the prior of natural color images.

I'll split my presentation into two sessions: The first session will give background about the Canonical Correlation Analysis and its use in estimating informative marginal distributions.

In the next session I will show how the canonical correlation representation can assist in solving inverse problems in color images and specifically its application to the demosaicing problem.


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This is a controller for a color printer. Each chip contains a compressor/decompressor based on an algorithm created by HP Labs.
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