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TITLE: Analyticity of Hidden Markov Chains

SPEAKER: Guangyue Han, University of British Columbia

DATE: 2:00 - 3:00 P.M., Friday May 27, 2005

LOCATION: Tioga, 3U (PA)

HOST: Vinay Deolalikar

We prove that under mild assumptions a hidden Markov chain varies analytically, in a strong sense, as a function of the underlying Markov chain parameters. In particular, we show that, under these assumptions, the entropy rate of a hidden Markov chain is an analytic function of the parameters. We give examples to show how this can fail in degenerate cases. And we study two natural special classes of hidden Markov chains in more detail: binary hidden Markov chains with an unambiguous symbol and binary Markov chains corrupted by binary symmetric noise.


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