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TITLE: Systems and security issues for sensor networks

SPEAKER: Vinay Deolalikar [HP Labs, Palo Alto]

DATE: Part I, 2:00 - 3:00 P.M., Friday July 9, 2004
             Part II, 2:00 - 3:00 P.M., Thursday August 5, 2004

LOCATION: Tioga, 3U (PA) (both parts)


Wireless sensor networks have witnessed a spurt in research attention in recent times because of the promise they hold for providing large scale distributed systems that accomplish tasks that centralized systems find difficult.

The constraints on computation and communication resources posed by these networks of light nodes communicating wirelessly with one another are quite distinctive, and fashion the architectures and solutions that have been proposed in this space.

I will be talking about some system and security issues in wireless sensor networks in general, and work that has been done in these areas in the sentient spaces project at HP Labs.


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