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Information Theory Seminar

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TITLE: Overview of research in the Technical Computing Research Group

SPEAKER: Jeff Collard [HP Labs]

DATE: 2:00 - 3:00 P.M., Friday January 23, 2004

LOCATION: Sigma, 1 L (PA)

HOST: Vinay Deolalikar


This talk presents two topics the Technical Computing Research Group (TCRG) is currently working on. The first one is compiler optimizations for parallel languages. The Unified Parallel C (UPC) language is one of these languages, and HP is still the only company offering a UPC compiler product. I'll briefly present UPC, and drill down into two issues: inadvertent data races, and barrier softening -- that is, the removal of global barrier synchronizations, or their replacement by less costly point-to-point synchronizations. The second is, generally speaking, system architecture. As an example of this research, I'll present loads squared, a technique to reduce the cost of indirect loads with high miss rates.


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