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TITLE: Statistical Inference and Learning with Loops ... and Physics

SPEAKER: Misha Chertkov (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

DATE: 3:00 - 4:00 PM, Monday, December 1, 2008


There has been an explosion of interest in the past decade to statistical problems related to computer science and information processing, such as new decoding paradigms for high-volume communication and storage, problems in search and counting through a huge set of combinatorial constraints, etc. Novel ideas in analysis of complexity and development of approximate but systematically improvable algorithms are required for the hard statistical problems. Since the central task of statistical physics is to describe how complex behavior emerges from the interaction of a large number of basic elements, its tools and concepts are proven valuable in these emerging disciplines.

In this talk I will discuss one such tool, coined Loop Calculus, brought from physics into the field of statistical inference and learning. Loop Calculus allows one to express the solution of a general statistical inference problem exactly via a solution of the so-called Belief Propagation equations. I will explain its main concept, its algorithmic utility (with examples from error correction and particle tracking), and future challenges of the Loop Calculus approach.

Dr. Chertkov's areas of interest include statistical and mathematical physics applied to information theory, computer science, hydrodynamics, optics and bio-physics. Dr. Chertkov received his Ph.D. in physics from the Weizmann Institute of Science in 1996, and his M.Sc. in physics from Novosibirsk State University in 1990. After his Ph.D., Dr. Chertkov spent three years at Princeton University as a R.H. Dicke Fellow in the Department of Physics. He joined Los Alamos National Lab in 1999, initially as a J.R. Oppenheimer Fellow in the Theoretical Division. He is now TSM-4 in the same division. Dr. Chertkov has published 80 papers in these research areas. He leads "Physics of Algorithms" Directed Research project at LANL.


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