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TITLE: Graphical Model Selection: Trees, Latent Trees, and Beyond

SPEAKER: Anima Anandkumar (UC Irvine)

DATE: 3:00 - 4:00 PM, Thursday, June 9, 2011

LOCATION: Eureka, 1U

Capturing complex interactions among a large set of variables is a challenging task. Probabilistic graphical models or Markov random fields provide a graph-based framework for capturing such dependencies. This interdisciplinary topic has found widespread applications in computer vision, bioinformatics, combinatorial optimization and machine learning. Graph estimation is an important task, since it reveals important relationships among the variables.

In the first part of my talk, I will present a unified view of graph estimation and propose a simple local algorithm for graph estimation using only low-order statistics of the data. We establish that the algorithm has consqistent graph estimation with low sample complexity for a class of graphical models satisfying certain structural and parameter criteria. We explicitly characterize these model classes and point out interesting relationships between the graph structure and the parameter regimes, required for tractable learning. Many graph families such as the classical Erdos-Renyi random graphs, random regular graphs, and the small-world graphs can be learnt efficiently under our framework.

The second part of my talk is motivated by the following question: can we discover hidden influences acting on the observed variables? We consider latent tree models for capturing hidden relationships. We develop novel algorithms for learning the unknown tree structure. Our algorithm is amenable to efficient implementation of the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) to tradeoff the number of hidden variables with the accuracy of the model fitting. Experiment on the S&P 100 financial data reveals sectorization of the companies and experiment on the newsgroups data automatically categorizes words into different topics.

Anima Anandkumar has been a faculty at the EECS Dept. at U.C.Irvine since Aug. 2010. She was previously at the Stochastic Systems Group at MIT as a post-doctoral researcher with Alan Willsky. She received her B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from IIT Madras in 2004 and her PhD from Cornell University in 2009. She is the recipient of the 2009 Best Thesis Award by the ACM Sigmetrics Society, 2008 IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Award and 2008 IBM Fran Allen PhD fellowship. Her primary research focus is on inference and learning of graphical models.


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