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TITLE: How to search in a small world

SPEAKER: Lada Adamic [HP Labs]

DATE: 2:00 - 3:00 P.M., Thursday October 9, 2003

LOCATION: Sigma, 1 L (PA)

HOST: Vinay Deolalikar


We address the question of how participants in a small world experiment are able to find short paths in a social network using only local information about their immediate contacts. We simulate such experiments on a network of actual email contacts within an organization as well as on a social network of students recorded on a community website (Club Nexus). On the e-mail network we find that small world search strategies using a contact's position in physical space or in an organizational hierarchy relative to the target can effectively be used to locate most targets. However, we find that in the Club Nexus network, where the data is incomplete and hierarchical structures are not well defined, local search strategies are less effective. We compare our findings to recent theoretical hypothesis about underlying social structure that would enable these simple search strategies to succeed and discuss the implications to social software design.


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