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Quantum Search Demo Applet

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Demonstration of various quantum algorithms for combinatorial search (i.e., NP problems). For instructions and examples, see the demo overview.

Once the page download is complete, an applet button with label "start quantum search demo" will appear below. Click on this button to start the demo (in a new window).
If the applet button does not display even after the page download is complete, your browser's Java version may be too old. An alternative to using a browser is the Java applet viewer available from Sun.

Your browser is unable to run the applet to bring up the quantum algorithm demo.

The demo, created with Java version 1.4, may not work with earlier versions. The following applet shows your browser's Java version.
Your browser is unable to run this applet to show its Java version.

Execution time and memory use grow exponentially with the problem size (i.e., number of variables). For larger problems, the program is especially CPU intensive when displaying the amplitudes for all states: selecting one of the alternate types of information to display will improve performance. The initially-selected instance in the demo has only 2 variables and should run rapidly.

Tad Hogg

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