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Predicting the Future

» The Wisdom of the Corporate Crowd
(November 2006) Business 2.0

» Market Magic
(November 1st, 2005) CFO

» Who's the smartest of them all?
(January 10th, 2005) Computer World

» All seeing all knowing
(August 28th, 2004) US News and World Report

» The end of management?
(July 12th, 2004) Time Magazine

» Techniques, not technologies
(May 14th, 2003) The Economist


Discovering Informal Communities

» You are who you know
(June 16, 2004) Salon.com

» Mit Mathematik gegen El Kaida
(March 16, 2004) Berliner Zeitung

» Von Dienstwegen und Abwegen
(May 2, 2003) Brand eins

» Email messages reveal real leaders
(March 27, 2003) BBC News

» Email traffic patterns can reveal ringleaders
(March 27, 2003) New Scientist

» Email reveals real leaders
(March 20, 2003 ) Nature Science Update


Harvesting Social Knowledge

» The value of wikipedia
(February 27, 2007) Nature

» New ways of identifying and using organizational information
(July, 2004) IST News

» Future Goes to Market
(August, 2001) Nature Science Update

» Connected
(April 22, 2001) The New York Times


Economics and Computing

»Who wants to buy a computon?
(March 2005) The Economist

» Quantum Computers Spread the Risk
(December, 2001) Nature Science Update

» Portfolio Theory and Quantum Computing
(Feb. 6, 2002) Technology Research News


Free Riding on Gnutella

» More Taking than Giving in the Web
(Aug. 21, 2000) The New York Times

» Free riders who don't share in the digital community
(Aug. 25, 2000) The Boston Globe


On the Nature of the Web

» Internet Remains Small World by Kimberly Patch
(September 12, 2001) Technology Research News

» Searching for the Essence of the World Wide Web by George Johnson
(April 11, 1999) The New York Times

» On the Web, as Elsewhere, Popularity is Self-Reinforcing by John Markoff
(June 21, 1999) The New York Times

» Sociologie du cybermonde.

» Le web se "balkanise". by Pierre-Philippe Cadert
(August 1999) Webdo

» Inside the Geekosystem
(December 1999) TIME digital


On Traffic

» Stop-and-Go Science by Peter Weiss
(July 3, 1999) Science News

» Curing Congestion by Robert Kunzig
(March 1999) Discover

» Behind Every Traffic Jam is An Endlessly Complex Physical Equation by Amanda Onion
(May 31, 1999) FOX NEWS

» Jam Packed by Charles Seife
(January 30, 1999) New Scientist



Social Computing Lab

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