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IT resource virtualization


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Research opportunities

Organizations are increasingly looking for ways to reduce the total cost of ownership of their IT infrastructures. One of the best ways to accomplish that is to use virtualization technologies to pool and share IT resources.

Virtualization synthesizes one or more virtual resources from physical resources. It can help businesses increase efficiency and flexibility because it allows IT organizations to run more applications on fewer machines, shift available processing power according to demand, quickly open up new storage space, or shut down machines that aren't being used.

In addition, virtualization can reduce risk by enabling low-cost efficient redundancies, mirroring physical systems both to back up information and to provide an alternative if the physical system fails. Virtual server migration can also be used to vacate a physical server for maintenance operations.


Research focus

Our research is focused on creating a more efficient, flexible, manageable and trusted compute platform by integrating virtualization and automation seamlessly into the next-generation data center.

Current work

In particular, our activities include:

  • Developing security audit tools and services.
  • Enhancing virtualization capabilities in our platforms to meet performance, security and reliability requirements necessary for the broad adoption of virtualization in enterprise data centers. As part of this effort, we are developing architectures and methods for trusted virtualization.
  • Developing model-driven and automated management systems to coordinate management of physical and virtual resources. With such systems, service providers could easily move applications from one machine to another, for example, to boost energy efficiency or performance. By reducing operator involvement (and the possibility of operator error) we expect to be able to cut data center costs, simplify management, increase responsiveness and boost efficiency.

Technical contributions

In addition to contributing to HP's virtualization solutions, we are participating in an industry-wide effort to develop the Xen open source virtualization platform. Our current efforts include working on performance analysis and improvements for I/O virtualization in Xen and helping to develop an open-source virtual machine monitor for Itanium.

Enterprise computing

» Data center automation
  » IT resource virtualization  
  » Data center power & cooling  
  » Storage infrastructure & management  
  » IT asset tracking  
  » Advanced architecture  

Related research

»  Systems architecture

Learn more

»  Feature story: Virtual technology, real solutions
»  Feature story: Introducing Xen
»  Virtualization solutions from HP
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