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Gesture keyboard

Research opportunities

As a global company, HP believes it is in our best interests -- and the best interests of our customers and partners -- to build relationships with diverse technical and academic communities around the world.

HP Labs has had sites in the UK, Japan and Israel for many years. More recently, we have focused on emerging economies around the world -- specifically India, China, and our newest site, Russia. Not only does this open up a pool of intellectual capital, but it presents some unique research challenges.

One of these is language. Many nations use non-English/European characters in their writing, which means that traditional keyboards may not work for them. In other areas, the challenge is a lack of reliable telephone or network connections.

Research focus

Each site has a different agenda that caters to the demands of that region or capitalizes on particular technical strengths. In all regions, the focus is on partnerships and collaboration with universities and the research community.

HP Labs India
In Bangalore, researchers are addressing the IT needs of people in rapidly growing regions. Some particular issues include a technology infrastructure that is different from more established markets and complex computing interfaces resulting from the diversity of languages and scripts.

HP Labs China
Based in Beijing, the lab is focused on scalable infrastructure for data management and service integration, digital content management and industry-specific solutions. The lab is a key contributor to HP's business intelligence and advanced database research.

HP Labs Russia
Announced in February 2007, the St. Petersburg-based lab will explore information management, with a specific focus on new methods for extracting, analyzing and organizing useful information from the vast explosion of data created by the Web and other sources.

Current work

HP Labs India:

  • paper and IT convergence -- developing technologies to provide a seamless interaction between the paper and digital worlds
  • mass communication -- seamlessly bringing together the best attributes of traditional media and networks
  • mobile personal computing -- focusing on new types of pen-based interfaces and technologies related to mobile computing

HP Labs China:

HP Labs Russia:

  • information management -- applying algorithms and analytics to data to make better use of it and improve business processes

Basic research & emerging markets

» Nanotechnology
» Quantum information processing
  » Quantum cryptography  
  » Information theory  
  » Market mechanisms  
  » Emerging international markets  

Related research

»  HP Labs India
»  HP Labs China
»  HP Labs Russia

Learn more

»  HP announces gesture keyboard (HP Labs India)
»  Feature story: Solving India's education dilemma
»  Feature story: Innovating for emerging economics
»  HP announces China lab
»  Feature story: Introducing HP Labs Russia
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