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IT managers, from CIOs on down, often find themselves unable to answer the question "what do I have, and what is it doing?" This is no small problem, since it's hard to manage IT for cost-effectiveness, reliability, security, etc., if you don't know what you are managing.

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» Data center automation research

This is where "IT Discovery" comes in. One possible broad definition of "IT Discovery" is:

    Tools, techniques, and processes to answer the question "what do I really have, and what is it really doing?" for an IT environment.

IT Discovery can be applied to many layers of IT (ranging from low-level components such as RAM modules and network cables, to high-level components such as applications and even business processes). In fact, IT Discovery often crosses layers (for example: what application instances rely on this particular network switch)?

IT Discovery offers HP and its customers the potential to reduce costs, manage risks, demonstrate proper governance and compliance, and increase the effectiveness of IT staff and consultants.


Unlike most research projects, this activity has not yet identified specific technical problems to solve. Instead, we have focused first on:

  • Identifying the broad outlines of a set of related problems.
  • Organizing communication among the many people across HP working on related products, services, and research projects.
  • Identifying opportunities for various HP products and services to work better together.
  • Identifying possibly topics for further research
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