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Mania, K. and Hawkes, R. (2003) "Human Factors in Virtual Environments", HP Labs Technical Report HPL-2003-216

Mania, K., Troscianko, T., Hawkes, R., Chalmers, A. (2003) "Fidelity Metrics for Virtual Environment Simulations based on Spatial Memory Awareness States", Presence, Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 12(3), MIT Press June 2003.

Mania, K., Chalmers A., Troscianko T. and Hawkes R. (2001) “Simulation Fidelity Metrics for Virtual Environments Based on Memory Semantics”, Sketches & Applications, ACM SIGGRAPH 2001.

Mania, K., Chalmers A., Troscianko T. and Hawkes R. (2000) “Presence and Task Performance in Virtual Enviroxnments: A Reality Centred Approach”, Sketches & Applications, ACM SIGGRAPH 2000.

Hawkes R. and Wray M.J. (1999) “LivingSpace: A Living Worlds Implementation using an Event-based Architecture”,  HP Labs Technical Report HPL-98-181

Wray M.J. and Hawkes R. (1998) “LivingSpace: Distributed Virtual Environments and VRML: an Event-based Architecture”, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 30: 43-51.  (slides)


Selley G., Huxor A. and Hawkes R. (1997) "TechnoSphere", Poster at  4th UK Virtual Reality Special Interest Group Conference, Brunel University.

Selley G., Hawkes R. and Prophet J. (1997)  "TechnoSphere",  Cyberarts: 76-79. SpringerWienNewYork, ISBN 3-211-82998-9

Hawkes R. (1996) “A Software Architecture for Modeling and Distributing Virtual EnvironmentsPh.D. Thesis, University of Edinburgh.

Hawkes R.,  Rushton S. and Smyth M. (1995) “Update Rates and Fidelity in Virtual Environments”,  Virtual Reality: Research, Applications & Design, Volume1, Issue 2.

Wann J., Rushton S., Mon-Williams M., Hawkes R. and Smyth M.(1993) “What's Wrong With Your Head Mounted Display?”, CyberEdge Journal Issue 17.

Hawkes R. (1993) “The Virtual Environment Laboratory”,  Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Systems Conference '93, October 17-19, 1993, NY.


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