This is an experiment on the use of language to describe
color differences. It requires a JavaScript enabled browser.
Below are five pairs of colored patches. Please use the text
area to the right of each pair to best describe the color
difference between the two colored patches. When you
are done please click "Submit Descriptions" to register your results.
Thank you for participation.
Additional Information
Please note that participation in this experiment
is strictly voluntary and anonymous. In addition to the
date, your submissions and any comments you might have entered the
form processing software automatically logs the originating
IP address. Please direct any questions you
might have regarding this experiment to Nathan Moroney ( ). By clicking on
the "Submit Descriptions" button you agree to participate in this
experiment. You may quit the experiment at any time by
clicking the "Reset" button. For a complete statement with
respect to Hewlett-Packard's privacy policy refer to the
link "Privacy statement" in the lower left corner of this page.
Thank you again for your participation.
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Debriefing: To be published in early 2007.
Nathan Moroney's External Web Page
American Psychology Society: Psychological Research on the Net
The Web Experiment List, University of Zurich
The Munsell Color Science Laboratory, Rochester Institute of Technology
The Language Experiments Portal, University of Edinburgh
efg's Color Reference Library -- General Color Info