Chromaglyphs for Pose Determination

Chromaglyph wallpaper can be printed with standard large format inkjet printers. Chromaglyphs in the background of a complex scene allow the automatic inference of camera pose*. Given a photograph of such a scene, each fully visible glyph can be detected automatically, even in images with complex occluding geometry. Known 3D world coordinates of the glyph centers are combined with extracted 2D image coordinates to compute a projection matrix, representing camera pose.

* [State et. al. Siggraph ‘96, Gortler et al Siggraph ‘96]

Typical image

Typical input image. Full size.

A file of correspondence points is generated for each image in the input image set. Each line contains the 3D world coordinates of a glyph followed by the image coordinates for the same glyph.

-943.000000  -235.000000 -824.000000 919.369202 507.107697
 705.000000  -824.000000  471.000000 313.598511  84.849167
-943.000000  -824.000000  235.000000 759.909912 156.548340
 705.000000  -824.000000  235.000000 330.811584 215.876328
-943.000000  -824.000000   -0.000000 759.685852 233.100281
 470.000000  -824.000000   -0.000000 433.729980 314.430298
 705.000000  -824.000000   -0.000000 347.122772 336.432312
-237.000000  -824.000000 -236.000000 631.291504 351.738678


 705.000000  -824.000000 -236.000000 362.452515 448.159546
  -1.000000  -824.000000 -471.000000 582.685425 457.439697

Finally, camera pose is calculated and a transformation matrix is created. We perform this step with Reg Willson's implementation of Roger Tsai's camera calibration algorithm.

-1152.978614 598.702839  -285.869528 2043009.584919 
  -51.087031 -25.758194 -1204.593883  734586.796646 
   -0.801051  -0.461119    -0.381690    2332.827276 
    0.000000   0.000000     0.000000       1.000000 

Glyph Color Space

Each glyph is composed of N discs, each with a unique color, chosen from a set of M prototype colors. In the case shown above N=3, M=8. The permutation of disc color uniquely identifies the glyph and is used to lookup the 3d coordinates of the glyph. We must reliably identify these colors under these conditions:

The image below demonstrates the printing and imaging nonlinearities (photoCD based) involved in mapping the corners of the color space into imaged RGB space for a single view. The nonlinearities are extreme and cause us to limit the number of prototype colors to 6. We reject magenta due to its proximity to red and reserve white as a background color.


Limitations of Nearest Neighbor Classifiers

Determination of glyph identity requires classifying each pixel as belonging to one of the M=6 prototype colors. A simplistic approach to this is to classify each pixel in the image as being associated with the closest prototype color in color space. This nearest neighbor classification fails at boundaries between regions where pixels see contributions from more than one color. Note the false colors appearing in the classification below. These difficulties are best understood by looking in color space, a 2D projection of which is shown below. Aliased pixels are shown as small spheres between two of the larger spheres, which represent the prototype colors. Note small amounts of noise along the diagonal between prototypes can perturb the pixels and cause them to be misclassified. We choose to classify each pixel as either pure or aliased, where aliased pixels are some threshold distance away from their closest prototype color. We use only pure colors for determining glyph ID’s, as these are never misclassified.

Glyph pixels in projected color space

Raw image of a glyph

Classification of glyph pixels based on nearest neighbors

Occluded Glyph Rejection

Our goal is to extract the center position and color identification of as many glyphs in each image as possible. In the presence of occluding objects we must be careful not misestimate glyph centers if a glyph is partially obscured, as this would lead to inaccuracies in the estimation of camera pose. We must also not misidentify occluding geometry as a glyph. We employ a number of heuristics to ensure that the glyph centers are accurately reported. The glyph extraction method extracts connected regions of foreground colors (non-white), classifies each pixel in the foreground region as belonging to one of 6 prototype colors and then checks the distribution of foreground colors.

Connected region color histogram

In addition, we can classify each pixel as being either an pure or aliased pixel. Pure pixels are within some threshold distance in color space to one of the M=6 prototype colors. Aliased pixels are past this threshold distance in color space and presumably are pixels on region boundaries that have contributions from more than one color region. There are further tests we can apply based on this classification.

Pure pixels classification

Download a sample (.gif file, 209KB) of Chromaglyph wallpaper.

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