Contact information
Email: rob dot schreiber at hp dot com |
Phone: (650) 857-8156
Physical Address: 1501 Page Mill Road, MS 1177, Palo Alto, CA 94304
Rob Schreiber is Assistant Director of the
Exascale Computing Lab at Hewlett
Packard Laboratories. He is known for basic research in sequential and parallel algorithms for matrix computation, and compiler optimization for parallel languages. Rob has been a professor of Computer Science at Stanford University and at RPI,
was Chief Scientist at Saxpy Computer, and a research scientist at
the NASA Ames Research Center. He was a developer of the sparse-matrix extension of Matlab, a leading designer of the High Performance Fortran programming language, and one of the developers of the NAS parallel benchmarks. He wrote the matrix computation libraries at Maspar. At HP, Rob was a technical leader and an implementer of PICO, a
tool for hardware synthesis from high-level specifications. His
current research is in algorithms and architectures for
high-performance computing and data analysis.
With Bob Tarjan, Nina Mishra, Dennis Wilkinson, and Bei Wang, I've developed new approaches to finding
clusters of graph vertices that have more
connections to one another than would be expected
given their degree.
Discovery: Discovering the
roles or job functions in an organization from acess
control lists can be a useful first step in
introducing role-based access control.
The microprocessor of the future will consist of
many CPU cores. What isn't clear is how
they will talk to each other and to memory.
Our project looks at the use of integrated photonic
communication devices to raise bandwidths and reduce
the energy cost of communication.
The Parallel
Programming Features of Matlab:
I've worked with Mathworks on the new features of
Matlab that allow a programmer to write code for a
parallel cluster.
Other topics in
Parallel Programming: Recent
work on synchronization cost, on memory management.
Some work on
computer vision: There are
nice applications of linear algebra, theoretical and
Slides from some recent talks
A list of my selected paper publications is here.
The user-permission relations (bipartite graphs) used for the experiments in our
SACMAT 08 paper, in a zip file:
The covers generated by the greedy
heuristic with lattice-based postprocessing are in another:
The exact covers (minimum biclique covers) generated
by our problem reduction / graph coloring approach are in a third: |
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