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Rodney Brooks
Flesh and Machines

Many researchers have been building robots that are modelled after living creatures. Recently there has been an explosion of work in humanoid robots. At MIT we have been concentrating on social interactions between people and humanoid robots, including endowing them with emotions.

This talk will outline that technical work and then conclude with two more philosophical questions directed towards the somewhat distant future. What ultimately will separate humans from robots, and will robots ever want to rid themselves of humans? The answers offered are a little different from the standard Hollywood fare.

Rodney A. Brooks is Director of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and is the Fujitsu Professor of Computer Science. He is also Chairman and Chief Technical Officer of iRobot Corp. He received degrees in pure mathematics from the Flinders University of South Australia and the Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University in 1981. He developed the behavior-based approach to mobile robots which iRobot Corp is now commercializing. During the last decade he has concentrated at MIT on humanoid robots and social interactions. His new research projects are aimed at building "living machines", machines whose natural description will be that they are alive in the same sense as animals or plants.

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Rodney Brooks

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