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Jos Engelen
Science and Challenges of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) programme

Fifty years ago, Europe's first scientific joint venture came into being. CERN , the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, was founded to provide a centre of excellence for fundamental research in Europe, and to help unite a continent recently divided by war.

Today, CERN is engaged in the most ambitious programme in its history - the Large Hadron Collider. This new research facility - a 27 kilometre circular particle accelerator - will smash protons and other nuclei together head on, creating conditions that have not existed since the Big Bang. Together with the detectors that will capture these collisions, the LHC is the most complex scientific instrument ever built. It will probe questions such as what is the mysterious dark matter of the Universe made of? Why do particles have mass? And what was the Universe like in the first fraction of a second of its life, before matter started to cool down into the form it has today.

The World-Wide Web was invented at CERN to enable scientists from around the world to collaborate, and now CERN is pioneering distributed Grid computing to analyze the flood of data that the LHC will provide, starting in 2007.

Born in 1950, J. Engelen is married and has three children.

After obtaining in 1979 his Ph.D. at the Faculty of Science, University of Nijmegen,in Experimental High Energy Particle Physics (K-pinteractions at 4.2 GeV/c), J. Engelen was successively Postdoc (1979-1981) and Scientific Staff Member (1981-1985) at CERN in the Experimental Physics Division, working mainly on photoproduction at high energy (NA14 collaboration).

From 1985 to 2003, J. Engelen has been with NIKHEF (National Institute for Nuclear and High Energy Physics) a joint venture of the funding agency FOM and the Universities in the Netherlands,appointed Professor of Experimental High-Energy Particle Physics in 1987 at the University of Amsterdam, then Chairman of the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy of the Faculty of Science, and Director of NIKHEF in July 2001.

From January 2004 he occupies the post of Chief Scientific Officer, Deputy Director-General, at CERN.

During these years, J. Engelen has supervised more than twenty Ph.D. Theses, collaborated in more than 150 publications in refereed journals, from his participation in the ZEUS collaboration on e+p scattering at HERA and in the ANTARES collaboration on the detection of high energy cosmic neutrinos.

J. Engelen has been a member of many Committees and Councils at national as well as international levels: Chairman of the LHC Committee at CERN, member of the HEP Physics Board of the EPS, member of the FOM Council. He is presently a member of the National Scientific Advisory Committee and of the Physics and Astronomy Council in the Netherlands, of the Extended Scientific Council of DESY and Chairman of the Astroparticle Physics European Coordination.


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Jos Engelen
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