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Weds 17 March 2004 at 5:00pm GMT (09:00 PST)


Adam Hart-Davies
'My favourite heroes of science and invention'



For a dozen years Adam Hart-Davis has been wandering around the country – and occasionally around Europe – in pursuit of heroes, ranging from Archimedes to Rosalind Franklin. In this talk he will tell the tales of a select band of them, including Robert Stirling, Eleanor Coade, Erasmus Darwin, Robert Hooke, and Sarah Guppy. What made them tick? How did they find their inspiration? Can we learn anything from the past about how to invent tomorrow?



Adam Hart-Davies works as a freelance photographer, writer and broadcaster.  He lives in the west of England with psychologist Sue Blackmore and her family.


Before presenting, he spent 5 years in publishing and 17 years at Yorkshire Television, as researcher and then producer of such series as Scientific Eye and Arthur C Clarke’s World of Strange Powers.


He is now a Companion of the Institution of Lighting Engineers, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a member of the British Toilet Association, the Bureau of Freelance Photographers and the Newcomen Society, and a Patron of Brede Steam Engine Society Cycle West, Theatre Odyssey, and The Wrexham Science Festival, and President of The Wandle Valley Mapping Project.


He has eight honorary doctorates, a Medal from the Royal Academy of Engineering for the Public Promotion of Engineering, and the 1999 Gerald Frewer memorial trophy of the Council of Engineering Designers.

Related Links:

Homepage: www.adam-hart-davis.org



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