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HP Appoints Vladimir Polutin as Director of HP Labs Russia


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ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, Nov. 15, 2007 – HP today announced that Vladimir Polutin has been appointed to lead the St. Petersburg facility of HP Labs, the company’s central research arm.

Polutin will take up his position on Nov. 15 and will report directly to Prith Banerjee, senior vice president of research and director of HP Labs. He will also be a member of the HP Russia country leadership team.

Polutin joins HP from the Motorola St. Petersburg Software Centre, where he served as managing director since 1999. In that role, he managed all software development activities and oversaw the centre’s growth.

“Vladimir’s background in software and strong links with Russian universities and enterprises make him an outstanding choice for leading this important part of HP’s global research network,” said Banerjee. “He brings a wealth of experience in building world-class research facilities and will play a key role in helping to lead the next phase of HP Labs.”

Polutin will initially focus on recruiting high-quality research scientists to staff the St. Petersburg facility, which opened in January 2007. The facility’s primary research area is data mining and business intelligence. Researchers focus on developing technologies that find and retrieve information from the increasing volumes of structured and unstructured data created by the Internet and other sources.

HP Labs began collaborating on this research earlier this year with St. Petersburg State University; St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University; the Institute for Systems Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences; and the Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

“The opening of the St. Petersburg facility of HP Labs earlier this year, now followed by the appointment of Vladimir Polutin to lead its research, demonstrates the importance of Russia to HP and the high regard in which we hold its outstanding academics and students,” said Owen Kemp, vice president and managing director, HP Russia.

Polutin holds a Ph.D. in microelectronics and semiconductor technology from the Moscow Institute of Radiotechnology, Electronics and Automation, and a master’s degree in radiotechnology and microelectronics from the Moscow Aviation Technology Institute.

HP Labs delivers breakthrough technologies for HP’s businesses, creates new market opportunities and pursues fundamental scientific research. Much of its research is aligned with HP’s strategic growth areas – the next-generation data center, always-connected mobile computing, and the imaging and printing experience.

In addition to its Palo Alto headquarters and the St Petersburg facility, HP Labs operates in Bangalore, India; Beijing, China; Bristol, UK; Haifa, Israel; and Tokyo, Japan.

HP Labs, established in 1966, is one part of HP’s annual $3.6 billion program in technology research and development, which is also conducted extensively in the company’s business units. More information about HP Labs is available at www.hpl.hp.com.

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