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ChinaNANO best poster award goes to HP researchers


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July, 2007 — A team from HP's Quantum Science Research group has received the best poster award at ChinaNANO, one of the premier nanotech conferences worldwide.

The poster, Metallic Nanocrystals Near Ultra-smooth Metallic Film for SERS Application, provides a scientific understanding of nano-enhanced spectroscopy techniques. It was selected from some 1,000 presented.

Nano-scale materials offer a powerful way to enhance spectra from small numbers of molecules that otherwise may be difficult to detect. Among many nano-enhanced spectroscopy techniques, nano-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, also known as SERS, is most promising to be an extremely powerful analytical tool that can ultimately detect and identify a single molecule.

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Researchers Jing Tang (experimentalist) and Katya Ponizovskaya (theorist) together showed that the plasmon coupling between metallic nanocrystals to an underlying metallic film are primarily responsible for the dramatically higher Raman signal enhancement for a sample on a metallic film compared to one on a Si substrate.
ChinaNANO 2007 brought together scientists from around the world to discuss the forefront of research in nanoscience and technology. The conference focused on nanoscale materials and structures, self-assembly and growth on surfaces, nano-optics and nanophotonics, nanoelectronics and NEMS, nanobiology and nanomedicine, computation and modeling, and nanometrology.

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