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Jouppi named ACM Fellow


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Jan. 2007 -- Norm Jouppi, who is widely known for his contributions to the design and analysis of high-performance processors and memory systems, has been named a fellow of the ACM. The grade of Fellow is reserved for members who have made leadership contributions in the fields of computer science and information technology.

An HP Fellow since 2002 and a Fellow of the IEEE since 2003, Jouppi leads the Advanced Architecture Lab at HP Labs focused on computer systems architecture. He has been the principal architect and lead designer of several microprocessors.

Jouppi has made significant contributions to computer memory systems, including stream prefetch buffers, victim caching, multi-level exclusive caching, and the development of the CACTI tool for modeling cache timing, area, and power. His research innovations have been adopted in microprocessors from most high-performance microprocessor vendors.

Jouppi, who joined HP in 2002 from Compaq Computer Corp., began his career as one of the principal architects of the MIPS project at Stanford University, which was one of the first RISC projects. Jouppi has also made contributions in the areas of CAD tools, high-performance graphics, and immersive telepresence. His most recent work has been on new architectures for chip multiprocessors (aka multicores), including heterogeneous and conjoined-core chip multiprocessors.

To learn more, please see Jouppi's biography.

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