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   U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visits HP Labs
May 24, 2007

HP today hosted U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer on a visit designed to focus attention on innovation and technology.

Rice and Downer were accompanied on their tour of HP Labs by Dennis Richards, Australian ambassador to the U.S.; David A. Gross, U.S. coordinator for international communications and information policy, and Lezlee Westine, president and CEO of TechNet, an organization that promotes economic growth through technology and which helped organize the Secretary's Silicon Valley activities.

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HP Chairman and CEO Mark Hurd hosted the group, along with Shane Robison, executive vice president and chief strategy and technology officer, and Gary Fazzino, vice president, government and public affairs.

After a welcome and brief tour of the offices of Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard, the visitors attended three technology demonstrations:

  • Memory Spot, a wireless data chip about the size of a grain of rice that could be attached to almost any physical object and provide text, graphics, audio or video through a read-write capability built into a cell phone or other handheld device.

  • Dynamic Smart Cooling, a system of optimizing air conditioning in data centers that can cut costs for customers and conserve valuable non-renewal resources. The system, developed in HP Labs, is expected to be available in the third quarter of this year. It is expected to save users 25 to 40 percent on cooling costs.

  • Halo Collaboration Studio, a cutting-edge telepresence solution that allows people to meet across distances as if they were in the same room. Participants appear life-size on three studio-quality displays and with audio quality that emulates the experience of being across the conference table. The solution was created by HP in collaboration with the Dreamworks Animation movie studio.

The visit to HP, where Rice was a board member before joining the Bush administration, was part of a two-day swing through California.

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