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Best of CHI goes to HP researchers' paper


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May 2007 -- An HP Labs paper on consuming video on mobile devices received a "best of CHI" award at this year's Computer Human Interaction (CHI) conference.

The paper was one of six chosen for the prestigious "best of CHI" prize, which goes to less than one percent of all conference submissions.

Written by Kenton O'Hara, April Slayden Mitchell and Alex Vorbau, "Consuming Video on Mobile Devices" presents a user study of everyday practices with mobile video devices, identifying underlying social motivations and values.

The researchers found that people consume mobile video on handheld devices for reasons other than simply passing time or to experience TV anytime, anywhere. Rather, handheld devices allow people to use mobile video in new, social ways. For example, mobile video may offer users some privacy in public spaces such as crowded trains or buses. At home, people may use handheld devices to watch different content but maintain physical proximity with other family members.

Sharing and swapping content is also important to some users, indicating different social values for content ownership versus streamed models of mobile TV or video. The paper explores the ways that such social values has implications for the design and adoption of mobile video technology, services and content.

CHI, the premier conference on the topic of Human-Computer Interaction, is sponsored by the ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction. This year's conference was held in San Jose, CA, from April 28 to May 3.

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