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Research center launched at HP Labs Bristol


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By developing standards across the industry and sound techniques, customers and every IT Services company will benefit

By Julian Richards, Dec. 2005

Take a large-scale, multi-million dollar IT service contract. Add to that a wide range of technologies, multiple computing platforms, multiple service partners, dozens of people and processes, and often, multiple companies operating in many nations -- and it's no wonder many of these contracts run into problems.

Turns out that the science of services is still relatively new and not well understood, encompassing disciplines as diverse as anthropology, engineering, operations research, economics and pure mathematics.

Enter the new Centre for Systems and Services Sciences, launched today at HP Laboratories in Bristol, England. Created by HP, other leading services organizations and universities across Europe, the group aims to turn IT-based services into a more predictable and scientific practice by sharing research, establishing industry standards, supporting academia, and developing a ‘brokerage’ to bring together members in partnerships.

Opportunity for growth

“By developing standards across the industry and sound techniques, customers and every IT Services company will benefit," says Dick Lampman, director of HP Labs and senior vice president for research, HP, and one of the speakers at the group's first workshop. “As economies mature and move towards greater reliance on the services sector for growth, we see tremendous opportunity for companies such as HP in the growth of our IT Services business.”

The IT Services industry is projected to grow to $659 billion in 2006.

HP Labs research

The workshop was initiated by HP Labs, which has been developing and using new approaches that apply a systems approach to the specification, design, implementation, and management of IT Services.

Lab researchers employ analytical methods that allow them to plan and specify the appropriate IT systems for HP customers in large IT outsourcing deals.

To learn more about the initiative and the workshop, please see the press release.

Jamie Beckett is managing editor of this Web site and a former reporter and editor at The San Francisco Chronicle.

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Dick Lampman

Richard H. (Dick) Lampman
Senior Vice President, Research, HP
Director, HP Labs

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